S24 E1 · Cure the Sin
Lance is missing on his wedding day, as friends try to 'cure' him of his homosexuality.
Lance is missing on his wedding day, as friends try to 'cure' him of his homosexuality.
Ramani and Sim bid to find out whether Terry's brother has been abusing his son.
Jack and Neil are taken hostage.
Abi stuns Samantha with a fresh revelation.
Hugh Wallis turns the tables on Sam.
Sam struggles to build a case against Hugh Wallis.
Leela suspects Sheelagh of racism.
Leela and Sheelagh are at odds over a baby's death.
Amber's childhood friend is raped.
June Ackland returns to Sun Hill.
June startles Roger with a kiss.
Neil discovers the truth about Andrea.
Andrea fights to save her reputation.
An explosion rips through Sun Hill.
The explosion's aftermath brings tears and tragedy.
June is worried about Jim now that he's caught her with PC Valentine.
Gabriel is hailed as a hero.
Jack Meadows and Jo Masters confront Colin Fairfax.
Racial unrest rocks Sun Hill.
Leela learns her life is in danger.
Gina gets devastating news.
Gina tries to keep her cancer secret.
Sun Hill gets a new receptionist.
Honey resolves to stand by Scott.
PC Dan Casper arrives at Sun Hill.
JT unwittingly jeopardises a woman's life.
Rapist Alan Kennedy is assaulted.
Mickey Webb returns to Sun Hill.
Neil is framed for murder.
Neil resolves to prove his innocence.
Neil returns to Sun Hill.
Ramani is interrogated.
A suspect assaults Gina.
Honey's wedding day ends in a brawl.
Jack opens the newly rebuilt station.
Adam investigates his family's death.
Margaret stabs Terry.
Lance and Laura see Adam buying drugs.
Okaro tries his best to keep it together at the funeral of his wife, son and daughter.
Adi Mateen's true identity is revealed.
Yvonne finds evidence that Scott is a murderer.
Scott confesses to murder.
DI Morell investigates Honey's apparent abduction.
Honey fights to save her career.
Tony suffers a horrific beating.
June calls the relief out on strike.
Phil and Steve come to blows.
June worries about Adam's state of mind.
Samantha continues to needle Jo.
Zain Nadir searches for a missing 14-year-old.
Smithy dallies with a gangster's wife.
Terry testifies against his brother.
The case against Terry's brother concludes.
Gary is shot during a raid on a gang suspected of handling stolen goods.
The hunt begins in earnest for Gary's assailant.
Adam resigns from the force.
Jack takes over as superintendent.
Jack arrests his own son.
Missing nurse Manisha Devi's body is found.
DNA testing seems to clear David Russo of murder.
Teenage rapist Ross Trescot is caught.
Yvonne faces a manslaughter charge.
June is forced to deal with a date-rape case.
Amber almost becomes a rapist's victim.
Yvonne's trial begins.
Yvonne learns her fate.
Gina is reprimanded by Amanda Prosser.
Jack investigates a fake passport racket.
Ross Trescot begs June to drop the rape charge.
Gina's drinking takes its toll.
Amanda Prosser gets a stranglehold on Gina.
Amanda Prosser gets Gina suspended.
Jo Masters looks after a child-killer.
Sheelagh accepts Gabriel's proposal.
The real Gabriel Kent turns up.
The coppers are held at gunpoint.
Adam Okaro returns to Sun Hill.
Terry and Phil investigate a sudden death.
Terry investigates an attack on his sister-in-law.
David Kent tries to kill the real Gabriel.
Leela investigates a 'happy slapping' incident.
A girl goes missing twice in one day.
Jo Masters goes undercover as a warder at Stonewall prison.
Jo Masters takes revenge on Cath Wilson.
Zain Nadir finds a witness to the Garrison shooting.
Smithy ignores a warning from Louise.
Ian Barratt and Dan Casper team up on an armed robbery case.
Dan Casper and Commander Barratt get a result on the armed robbery stakeout .
Gina Gold gets a warm welcome back at Sun Hill.
June Ackland prepares to meet her long-lost son Gabriel.
Zain Nadir is reluctant to work with returnee Mickey Webb.
Lance Powell goes undercover at a gay bar.
Neil Manson returns to work on a murder case.
The team hunts a serial killer.
The Sun Hill relief investigate Lance Powell's death.
Suspected serial killers Lord and Keenan are grilled.
A well-known footballer is accused of rape.
New PC Will Fletcher gets off to a bad start at Sun Hill.
Gina Gold organises a mock game show to snare prolific offenders.
A judge is caught driving under the influence.
Terry goes to visit his paedophile brother on his release from prison.
It's an emotional time for Terry as he starts searching for his missing nephew.
Amber's bad attitude and poor performance put her on the wrong side of Gina.
Smithy tells Gina he's considering leaving the job and joining Louise in witness protection.
Jo Masters is assigned to look after a recently released child-killer who's jeopardised her new identity by disclosing it to a former acquaintance.
Contains Mature Themes