S11 E2 ∙

Paul's on the East Coast to help a collector who is saying goodbye to his prized Excelsior Consort and his handmade Yorkshire Coble boat.

Series Selector for Bangers and Cash

All episodes for series 11 of Bangers and Cash

S11 E1

Dave Mathewson has put his best clean T-shirt on to collect a 1965 Land Rover from a stately home.

S11 E2

Paul's on the East Coast to help a collector say goodbye to his prized Excelsior Consort.

S11 E3

Dave is off to London where a couple of very special Fords are hidden away in a garage.

S11 E4

Derek helps a collector downsize and discovers a rare Chrysler Alpine.

S11 E5

Jack's drawn the short straw again as he tries to shift a couple of 1930's Austin Sevens.

S11 E6

Derek heads to North Wales to collect an Austin 7, and a gem of a Bentley.