S7 E48 ∙ A Question of Confidence ∙
After a series of assaults on local prostitutes, Burnside and Martella make enquiries. Evidence starts to point to an escaped criminal who is at large, Hawkins.
Contains Flashing Images and Mature Themes
After a series of assaults on local prostitutes, Burnside and Martella make enquiries. Evidence starts to point to an escaped criminal who is at large, Hawkins.
Contains Flashing Images and Mature Themes
Ackland's assault case is in court. Will justice be done or will it be another stitch-up?
Ackland is alerted to an the park, where two youths appear to be high from glue-sniffing.
Dashwood is in trouble when one of his snouts makes a corruption allegation against him.
Following a tip-off, Tosh and Carver bust members of a gospel/rap group after a pub gig.
Loxton is caught up in a nightclub burglary and uses excessive force before backup arrives
Carver and Dashwood find a young woman overdosed on drugs, and at death's door in a squat.
A lorry driver has had his load stolen at gunpoint by hijackers posing as traffic police.
When the CPS appearet two violent burglars off the hook, Carver is disillusioned.
A series of robberies around an estate point to the culprit being responsible for a murder
Carver's normally-reliable snout has fed him some duff information.
Sun Hill officers find that the householder who called them has attacked the burglar.
Hollis and Stamp make the grisly discovery of several skeletons in a supposedly empty flat
Following a spate of robberies, Carver and Lines have a lead on suspects with the right MO
When Hollis is taken hostage by a bank robber Reg's negotiating skills are put to the test
Carver's snout has info about a robbery and pushes him towards a petty-criminal
Burnside's got a difficult rape case to court but things go wrong when evidence is stolen
Loxton arrests a young boy who has committed a street robbery but seems reluctant to talk.
An estranged father appears to have abducted his two children.
Martella drives to a car fire to find a lady was trapped in the car.
Marshall is acting sergeant and sees one of the relief drive away without his tunic.
Sun Hill officers attend a break-in where a member of staff is bludgeoned on the floor.
A man's car is being vandalised, and Smollett is reminded of a fatal hit-and-run case.
Ted Roach investigates a prostitute who was assaulted and thrown out of a moving car.
Sun Hill is involved in an incident at a pawn shop.
Three cars race to the scene of an armed robbery - only to discover it's a hoax call.
CID investigate a burglary of an OAP, who has an asthma attack.
PC Stringer chases a girl who has stolen goods from a jewellers but PC Stamp arrests her.
Stamp arrives at his shift in a foul mood and takes it out on colleagues and the public.
Burnside is not sympathetic when a victim of domestic violence withdraws her complaint.
Brownlow wants to start an anti-stress program. Young and Marshall investigate a stabbing.
The relief are acting as reserve troops for a demonstration.
A shop assistant is attacked and robbed of the week's takings by thieves on a motorcycle.
Sgt Cryer investigates when anonymous letters expose PC Stringer's affair.
A crook is brought into Sun Hill and comes out with some unlikely-sounding information.
Meadows leads the investigation into the murder of Greig's informant.
A yob arrested for shoplifting turns out to be a respectable police officer.
Garfield hosts a birthday party he can't really afford, while Quinnan winds up Carver.
Hollis, a missing handbag and a recluse police pensioner, all help a murder investigation.
Brownlow is questioned by Yorkshire Police about his involvement in a murder enquiry.
Meadows and Burnside investigate the murder of a young man outside a nightclub.
A suspected violent break-in suggests more clues about the missing house occupants.
PC Young reaches out to WPC Datta who rejects his advances.
A major operation takes place to catch people with unpaid fines.
Two boys are reported missing by their parents after not returning from the shops.
PC Young discovers a suicide, and is deeply affected.
Cryer and Conway attend a seminar at the Metropolitan Police Training Camp.
A drunk man is stuck up a tree and a troubled PC Young goes missing on his beat.
After a series of assaults on local prostitutes, Burnside and Martella make enquiries.
Sgt. Boyden arrives for his first day at Sun Hill.
Smollett and Cryer rediscover that there is more to policing than desk-bound assignments.
Burnside is determined to clear up a three year old case of robbery and murder.
Smollett, as the new Home Beat Officer, introduces himself to the community.
A girl goes missing after she leaves the pub.
Datta appears in court and gets a hard time from the defence brief.
A Turkish woman is found dead by two bailiffs who found water running down the stairs.
Loxton and Stringer attend a domestic where the husband is one of their own.
A stake-out fails to catch the crooks, and speculation starts about an inside informer.
June talks to a woman at the hospital who is dealing with a schizophrenic son.
Carver does Roach a favour by interviewing a suspect - who later turns out to be underage.
Marshall and Stamp try to find a missing homeless person.
A dog finds a buried body. Reid considers her staffing options.
The pressure is on from on-high to increase the number of arrests.
Quinnan works undercover on a building site but finds himself in a compromising situation.
Sun Hill's hope of a peaceful New Year's Eve is shattered when a criminal escapes.
A man is shot during an armed robbery at a DIY warehouse.
PC Quinnan is the subject of a civil complaint.
A teenage mugger is stabbed by his would-be victim.
DC Lines is enjoying an off-duty pint in his local and becomes involved in a bar-brawl.
DC Lines Investigates when a cellar full of illegal immigrants is discovered.
PC Quinnan investigates the illegal sale of steroids.
Burnside is furious when provided with false information about an armed robbery.
Sun Hill is terrorised by teenage joyriders, but what can be done to stop them?
A student nurse is sexually assaulted in a nurses' quarters building.
Cryer goes undercover as a punter in a brothel, but his presence antagonises Peters.
Greig recruits Ackland and Dashwood for an undercover operation at Victoria Station.
Stringer tries to stop some children playing 'chicken' on the railway line.
D.C.I. Reid prepares to move on, while D.S. Greig tries to cultivate an informant.
Sgt Maitland nvestigates an apparent accident in a car-breaker's yard.
A homeless man is attacked, leading the police into a web of crime.
Thinking of leaving the force , Dashwood is tempted by a lucrative business opportunity.
A man convicted of strangling his wife has been released on licence.
Sgt. Cryer's first day back in uniform is an eventful one.
Burnside leads the investigation into the fire at the new Community Police Office.
Carver and Martella stumble across an apparent IRA arms cache.
The Anti-Terrorist Squad believe they will have a quick result, but Roach has his doubts.
A small boy known for lying claims to have been the subject of an attempted abduction.
A routine trip to a magistrate for a warrant turns into a nightmare for DC Dashwood.
DCI Jack Meadows arrives to take charge of Sun Hill CID.
A woman who collapsed at an airport is found to be a drugs mule.
PC Smollett tries to offer a follow-up service to victims of crime.
DS Greig arrests a suspect for an armed robbery, but is proved wrong.
A lorry overturns and sheds its load outside a school, burying a boy and girl.
DI Burnside and DS Roach go to a party attended by a crooked businessman.
WPC Marshall becomes a witness in a murder trial, but someone is trying to intimidate her.
A road accident draws attention to a local taxi company.
DCI Meadows tries to find the link between three arson attacks.
PC Quinnan and WPC Datta arrest a girl using stolen credit cards.
A armed robber who put an innocent bystander in a wheelchair has his house firebombed.
PCs Loxton and Stringer's case collides with an investigation by DS Greig and DCI Meadows.