S1 E1 · Pilot
As Lincoln Burrows awaits his fate on death row, his brother Michael hatches a plan to get him out.
As Lincoln Burrows awaits his fate on death row, his brother Michael hatches a plan to get him out.
Michael must find a way get into the infirmary to carry out his escape plan.
Michael hatches a plan to test if he can trust Sucre and offers Abruzzi a deal.
Michael's unstable new cellmate seems reluctant to join the breakout scheme.
The Secret Service puts pressure on Pope to transfer Michael to another prison.
Michael sabotages the air conditioning, which sparks a riot that puts Sara's life in jeopardy.
Michael protects Sara, but the arrival of the National Guard slows his progress.
Michael discovers a key building on the escape route has been converted into the guards' break room.
A new inmate grabs T-Bag's attention, while Bellick warns Abruzzi his monthly payment has not arrived.
Michael and Abruzzi try to get back into the guards' room before the escape hole is found.
Michael is asked to add one more to his escape team.
The group learns there are too many members for the escape to succeed.
With Lincoln in solitary confinement, Michael tries to delay the escape.
The thwarted escapees scramble back through the tunnel and return to their cells.
Lincoln's execution is delayed when the judge learns of concerns over the identity of the victim.
Flashbacks reveal the inmates' past and events leading up to Lincoln's arrest.
Michael is placed in solitary confinement after refusing to tell Pope how he burnt his back.
Michael tries to make Haywire remember his tattoo, but the sociopath does not recognise him.
Agent Kellerman uses the crash as an opportunity to kill Lincoln, only for the convict's father to save him.
Bellick's discovery of the hole under the guards' room brings the escape plan forward.
With Bellick tied up and Pope taken hostage, Michael starts the escape.
Veronica heads to the Vice President's hideaway.
Lincoln's execution is delayed when the judge learns of concerns over the identity of the victim. Michael considers a new plan, but the others fear it is too risky.
Contains Mature Themes